Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Experiencialist, not Existentialist!

Halfway through a haze of conversation with an old friend, I realised a fundamental truth that I wanted to affirm:

I am an experiencialist.
I believe that we cannot carry anything through our death that is of value except our memories and experiences.
I believe that good experiences and memories are gifts from friends and family, and that these gifts are of value to the receiver.
As we give and take, our gifts to friends and family are to serve and ensure to the best of our ability that the people around us gain the best experiences and memories as possible from what they see, feel, touch, hear and taste.

It is the gift, not recognition, not prestige that is important. It is watching a smile light up on another's face, a gentle look on the face of a grateful friend, the bliss of a smile upon a well-baked chocolate cake.

I want to keep giving these gifts and receiving and appreciating these gifts to everyone around me.

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