Thursday, November 24, 2005

Meme: Seven Things

This Seven Things meme came from enuwy. Apologies that it's long over-due.

Seven Things You Plan to do before you die:
  1. Travel to Turkey, Cyprus, Corsica, Tuscany, Lebanon, Syria, Jerusalem, Brazil, Afghanistan (etc. etc.)
  2. Learn to dive (the water kind)
  3. Find someone to love and who loves me in that Elizabeth Barrett Browning way
  4. Sing mellow jazz in a lounge (somewhere)
  5. Re-Learn French or learn Japanese in order to have a decent conversation with a native speaker of either language (this is very much like enuwy, but I think we both have similar mutual friends who are native speakers of either language)
  6. Live in Melbourne, Australia (again)
  7. Re-learn to play the piano

Seven Things I can do:

  1. Make tiramisu
  2. Sing
  3. Write poetry
  4. Draw a circle and a square with my right and left hands simultaneously
  5. Go up dizzying heights without feeling sick
  6. Work in a hospice without feeling depressed
  7. Swallow large pills/medication

Seven Things I say the Most:

  1. Oh shit!
  2. What?!
  3. Right?
  4. You know what, -
  5. Yeah (... / ??? / !!!)
  6. Honestly...
  7. And then...?

Seven things I can't do:

  1. Live alone
  2. Cry (very much)
  3. Travel at very high speeds (fast cars, go-karting, roller-coasters etc. etc.) without feeling sick
  4. Analyse vectors in three-dimensions
  5. Eat oysters without gagging
  6. Walk down staircases and ladders without feeling nervous
  7. Sleep in complete darkness

Seven Things that attract you to the opposite sex:

  1. Quirky sense of humor (eg: David Duchovny, Jerry Seinfeld)
  2. Intelligence
  3. Soft & gentle hands
  4. Ability to sing (well)
  5. Is well travelled
  6. Lean and well toned shoulders
  7. Intense eyes

Seven Celebrity Crushes:

  1. Jude Law
  2. Ryan Philippe
  3. Colin Firth
  4. Stephen Dorff
  5. Ethan Hawke
  6. Takeshi Kaneshiro
  7. Nicole Kidman (I vote, most beautiful woman in the world...)

Seven People I want to tag:

  1. enuwy (although already tagged)
  2. Drazick
  3. Emen
  4. Fe
  5. Monsieur Guilbon
  6. Kenneth
  7. 80hertz

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