Friday, January 19, 2007

Spit, swallow... or leave on the table

Fish Milk Soup
Originally uploaded by metaphoric.
Tatsuya is great. One of the fabulous things about it is that you get to try adventurous bits of Japanese cuisine not served in other places. Tatsuya was the place that made me love mentaiko (sea urchin), and I'm not usually an adventurous eater.

The thing is, the adventurous eats taste good. Well... sometimes.

There are moments when lines are crossed that should not be crossed. One of these was fish milk soup. Err... fish? Milk? Fish don't produce milk... or do they?

This very clear broth got us looking for the milk in fish milk for a while. Until we ate and discovered this thing that tastes like... fish brains.

Double take. It would take a lot of fish to come up with this much brains. So I thought.

Fish milk turns up in a sort of sac, which, when chew onto, break out in a creamy, cod liver oil flavoured white liquid which is just a little too rich for me.

When asked, the chef wisely said... "Eat it first, and then I'll tell you what it was."

We had many guesses - fish roe, fish brains, fish intestines...

What it actually was... fish... sperm. Ueergh.

1 comment:

petitemoi said...

Invigorating was what the chef called it. :-|