Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Big 3

While doing up a career profiling thing required at work, it suddenly dawned on me after adding up all the maths while doing up my resume, that I've actually worked (ie. been in a full time job that paid money) for 3 years now. And that's 3 years of solid working experience, not just the plodding along kind.

3. Huh.

It didn't occur to me like it was that long ago. Perhaps because I had switched jobs fairly rapidly into where I am working now, it didn't occur to me that more than half, in fact, more than a third of those 3 years were spent in my current company.

Which makes me nearly veteran. Well, nearly, considering that on the one hand, one is surrounded by the perpetual newbies who eat, shoot and leave still starry eyed. And on the other hand, with a bunch of other people you end up talking to but are not surrounded by who have been in the same company for 12 odd years.

Funny that. It still feels (sometimes when I wake up in the mornings) new, bright and starry eyed. Sorta.

But yuck, 3 years is definitive.

I can no longer call myself someone who is fresh into the workforce. And at the same time, I cannot really say that I've been there long enough to be jaded. Call it a quarter-career crisis. I'm too young to be earning mega millions but too old to not consider where I am the beginnings of a career.

One conversation held with old school friends from Melbourne said something like, "Well you better decide where you want to move to, and fast. If not, in a couple of months' time, you're going to be resigned to a career there..." That was advice to someone else, but suddenly I'm looking back at my own past 3 years and it begins to feel like I woke up one morning and someone other than myself made the decision that I was going to be resigned to a career here.

Oh no.

Not so bad, I keep telling myself. But you reckon that at least you'd want some kind of choice on these matters.

Tempus fugit. How time flies.

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