Thursday, December 08, 2005

Friends (Here, There and Everywhere) !!!

Happy post now: I just wanted to say that nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, makes me happier than reuniting with old friends from far away places, and finding out that from the moment you open your mouth to speak (after the gushing and the twinkling eyes stage has passed) - nothing, absolutely nothing, has changed and you're still the old friends that you used to be.

Funny how experiences either bind us or separate us, yet I find that there's nothing more alienating than two people sitting right next to each other, experiencing the same thing in two completely opposite ways and similarly, nothing more binding that two totally different people, in two different parts of the world, with totally separate and different lives, experiencing the same thing in two mirrored places.

Most of my friends are not in the country. It's sad (sometimes) but true.

But sometimes, just sometimes, people happen to drop by, which happened yesterday. So an old colleague from the office in Canada dropped by to Singapore yesterday and we caught up over dinner. Now this is tres cool, since I haven't seen him for years almost, and life is, in the meantime, moving along quite quickly. But same old, same old. We had a heck of a lot of fun, making me almost wish that I could have taken today as leave off to show him around this nice and fancy, rather warm city that I now call him. It's not Toronto, it's not Vancouver, but like I said, few things are as star attractions as are people. Had dinner at the Esplanade's Glutton Bar, which, quite frankly, even for a sorta local (me, yes me) was quite good. They had quite a decent standard of char kway teow, oyster omelette, fishball noodles and fried carrot cake. I love my savoury hawker center goodies.

Today was another pleasant surprise because enuwy (bless her) came online from London and we chatted perhaps about 5 minutes before my laptop battery died. And tomorrow I'm flying off to Hong Kong and have got Kathy's phone number on my mobile, together with a list of places that I'm awfully dying to go to on I didn't even get to tell her that I'm meeting KM for dinner tonight - but I reckon if time permits I'll catch up online again. She'll be excited.

All in all, I owe enuwy a bunch of emails, met up with old friends and am awfully excited about HK. It'll be so very good to go back, althoug h I'll be in a different hotel and area this time from my old haunts. It'll be a side of the city that I've never seen before - quite an adventure and no, I don't remember much of my Cantonese so I'll just fumble around and be completely non-local for a change. For once, I won't be expected to be anyone's guide!

Oh yes, and Monsieur G- demands some "typical Chinese sweets or pastry", so I think some lao po bing is in order. I do so miss the egg tarts, lao po bing and bo lo paos. Ahhh... sweet anticipation. *big cheesy grin*

(My new Canon Ixus 55 will be along for the ride, so anticipate some photos from the road coming up, and this time they *will* include the foodie items I ate but didn't photograph the last time...)

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