Friday, April 04, 2008

Kissing A Fool

Strangely enough, I found the Michael Buble version more compelling than George Michael's. Not going to go into why.

You are far.
When I could have been your star, you listened to people, who scared you to death and from my heart.
Strange that you were strong enough to even make a start.
But you'll never find peace of mind, until you listen to your heart.

People... you can never change the way they feel.
Better let them do just what they will.
For they will, if you let them, steal your heart from me.
People... will always make a lover feel a fool.
But you knew I loved you.
We could have shown them all, we should have seen love through.

Fooled me with the tears in your eyes.
Covered me with kisses and lies.
So goodbye... but please don't take my heart.

You are far.
I'm never gonna be your star.
I'll pick up the pieces and mend my heart.
Strange that I was wrong enough to think you loved me too.
You must have been kissing a fool.

Curiously enough, for the first time, I thought of Yvaine and Stardust. It was an odd what-if. What if Tristan went back to wed Victoria? What if Yvaine had crossed the Wall? What if the two had fallen in love, but never picked up the courage to see love through, and Tristan shook the hair out of his eyes and left Stormhold?

A strange, cold thought.

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