Tuesday, June 21, 2005

遇見 by 孫燕姿

Ting Dong's actually got a great translation, hanyu pinyin and chinese character full posting of this song, which I've linked to. I'm still going to work with my own translation, at least with my own infused interpretation, since the lyrics in Chinese can't all be expressed easily in English.

To me, this song is so much about anticipation, waiting for something to happen and not knowing when things will fall into place. It's something I'm feeling so much now, this combination of anticipation, looking up in hope, and being somewhat tired by the way things are now. As always, things never happen when I want them to.

(This song was actually sent to me by Katsu, who doesn't speak much Chinese, and I had to actually run around trying to identify it to find out what song it was - for shame!)

遇見 by 孫燕姿

聽見 冬天的離開
I hear winter leaving
I wake in some year, some month
我想 我等 我期待
I think, I wait, and hope
Yet the future cannot be planned like this.

陰天 傍晚 車窗外
A cloudy evening outside the car window
There is someone waiting in my future
向左 向右 向前看
I look left, right and ahead
How many turns must Love take to arrive?

我遇見誰 會有怎樣的對白
What kind of conversations will I have with the one I'm meeting?
我等的人 他在多遠的未來
The one I'm waiting for, how distant in the future is he?
我聽見風 來自地鐵和人海
I hear the wind rising from the subways and the crowds
我排著隊 拿著愛的號碼牌
And wait in line, holding Love's ticket's number.

我往前飛 飛過一片時間海
Flying forward, towards a sea of time
We are so often hurt by romance anyway
我看著路 夢的入口有點窄
Love has such a narrow entrance in the road before me
That I had met you has been the most beautiful accident.

終有一天 我的謎底會解開
There will finally be a day when my riddle will be solved.

1 comment:

clover_essence said...

I know this is an old post, but just when I looked up this song for translation, I found your blog.
feel just like this song...

This song is really a timeless piece.
Events in life is always wrong timing when we want it so much to happen.

Thanks for the wonderful translation of this song ^-^

Made me believe that I have to wait and see what's gonna show up next in life.