Thursday, February 08, 2007

Finger in the pot

The easiest way to get Chinese porridge of the creamy, blended variety (chok)... is to boil leftover rice from last night in a pot with water.

Presto. Chok in under 30 minutes. Especially if they were badly cooked to begin with and you won't contemplate eating it alone.

You can never have too much rice - says the someone who loaned me the rice cooker. Just make extra and keep it for the next day.

Bah, I still can't figure out how much water to put in there. And to think I used to be such an expert. There's a way to measure how much water you put in the pot with the length of your finger joints, says every rice eating, rice cooking person I know. I do that!

I'm beginning to suspect it's not a matter of the fingers (which have always been the same length). I think it's a matter of the pot.

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