Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Twenty years from now we'd think we got a warm winter...

Heavy snow forecasted tomorrow in most parts of the UK, with London and south-east England (where I am!) expected to see some snow fall as well.  Good thing for the warning as my camera is fully loaded now and ready to go! 


Incidentally on the weather, it’s the middle of February nearly and on average -2 degrees celcius today, even when the sun was out.  The warmest it got was 1 degree celcius, with a -4 degree celcius right now.  How miserable is that?  I’d have never thought that the south of England got so cold, but obviously I haven’t been doing my homework quite well enough, without much travel here during the months from January to March.  I don’t even remember this from York around this time, when it was at least far warmer this time of year 6 years ago than it was now.  Global warming, anyone?



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