Sunday, May 06, 2007

Comment Moderation

Q: Why moderate comments, asks a reader of the blog (gosh! I have those!! wow...)

A: Because previously when I didn't, I got all sorts of spam solicitations, ranging from sex and love to hair treatment (I kid you not).

Now that I've posted this, without comment moderation keeping non-organic spam at bay, I'm probably prone to getting some more.

But that said, I've been tired and lazy recently of moderating comments myself. It involves going through each and every one of them, reading them through without knowing what the context of the comment was, and clicking to publish them all. I've not failed to publish a comment since last year (I kid you not again). And to be honest, it kind of takes the fun out of reading them on the blog itself.

So I've taken away comment moderation today (are you happy now?). Blogger however does require you to be a registered user to post a comment, and I'm not sure everyone's registered (thus making comments less than flowing).

There is an account you can use to post comments on this blog, if you like. If you'd like to know what that account is which you can use, drop me an email and I'll let you know. Nothing to it, just helps to ensure that you know who I am at least.


Unknown said...

Comment posted with registered user address.

Unknown said...

Yay! I can leave comments now! But now you should worry about people using your comment account to post nasty comments on others' blogs!


petitemoi said...

I think it's just you who's got the account details at the moment, so I know who to go after with a flamethrower... :-P