Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy 2nd Birthday, Thessaly!!

Thessaly's Magazine Cover
Originally uploaded by metaphoric.
How time passes quickly. As the cliche goes, tempus fugit, time flies.

WIthout a thought, in a blink, a flash, a moment, Thessaly's been in the US for 9 months now, she's turning 2 today, and I've been doing budgets in the same company for 3 years now. If I had stayed on at my old job, my computer would have been up for the 3 year refresh.

Thessaly had the good fortune of being born (we were saying when we went out for dinner 3 days before her birth) the day before my Lori Moore budget scrub review. Every year now, until I find a new job, her birthday will be right smack in the busiest time of my working year.

I remember celebrating her first birthday with much joy and fanfare, making special arrangements to ensure that everything at work was taken care of - and now, it's her second. I'll miss it in person, but saw some pictures taken days before.

Her expressions are more grown up now, and she's definitely bigger. It's amazing to watch a little child grow up, the differences from 1-5 are visible and obvious. It almost feels like the rest of our lives are stretched out in the changes that happen, but in the first ten years, they are crammed chock full from year to year.

The picture I used in the magazine cover was taken when she was 17 months. I've blogged it before - but it was curious to see how when turned into a magazine cover, it fitted so well.

Birthday wishes for the new girl - may everything you want be within your reach. And unlike your aunt, hopefully you don't end up in finance.

1 comment:

petitemoi said...

hey thanks biby! and welcome to the blog, i'm glad you enjoy reading it.